
    Education Department (Secondary)

    To keep control of all medium and all management secondary schools in the district as per the order given by the government from time to time and also to increase the quality of students in secondary schools etc. type of work.
    Vision and Mission
    The staff handling the work of the workshop present a list of related topics as follows. Establishment Matters-through Superintendent, Deputy Education officer (Establishment) are submitted to Education Officer Secondary for final decision/approval. Accounting Matters-Through Junior Account Officer, Supritendant Gazetted, Accounts Officer and Deputy Education Officer are submitted to Education Officer Secondary for final decision and approval.

    /- Various Schemes in Education Department-Superintendant (Gazetted), Deputy Education Officer (Scheme)

    It is the responsibility of the staff of the concerned office to receive and submit the information/reports from the taluka level. And it is the responsibility of the of the concerned office to supervise these works and keep their records up-to-date.